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The average annual Family income in EleANGAnny


For children living in the rural village of Eleanganny, education is not a given. Even $7 a month is too much for many families to afford.  We identify children in need and work with their parents to help provide an education they might not otherwise receive. Your donation covers 75% of the cost of education, and the parents work diligently to provide the other 25%.

Your monthly donation or your one-time donation can make a world of difference to One Child of India. 


Sponsor a grade school aged child

Monthly Donation

For the cost of a few cups of coffee monthly, you can provide hope for a better future for One Child of India . This re-occuring charge will be billed automatically monthly. 


Sponsor a child in high school

Monthly donation

For the cost of a meal for two at a fast food restaurant, you can help One Child of India complete a full year of high school. This re-occurring charge will be billed automatically monthly. 


Sponsor a Grade School Child for an entire year Single donation

For the cost of a family meal out you can help One Child of India complete a grade school tuition for an entire year


Sponsor a high school child

for an entire year. One time donation

For the cost of less than most monthly car payments you can sponsor One Child of India for an entire high school education


Sponsor a child's entire grade school through high school education. one time donation

Your generous tax-deductible gift means that One Child of India will receive an entire education from grade school through high school. 

Prefer to send another amount? We welcome donations of any size to help

One Child of India get the education they deserve!

Send a Check

© 2019 by For One Child of India, Inc.

FOCI is a 501(c)3 Charitable Organization

​​Call us: 715-387-4135  

Website designed by

Elizabeth Meinders

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